In 1955, Dartmouth graduate Bob Sieburg purchased property at 50 Newtown Road, Danbury, Connecticut (presently BRT’s headquarters) and founded Sieburg Industries, an industrial metal testing company. Bob’s industrial business thrived and he soon began to invest in real estate.
In the early 1960s, Bob created Sieburg Custom Homes Corporation to construct single family homes, and started to build a team to manage real estate development projects. In 1968, he hired Bert Bertram, an engineer and former Marine Corps fighter pilot, to help manage the growing business. By 1971, Bert was responsible for all real estate operations, and the first BRT companies were officially formed.
Under Bert’s leadership, BRT companies developed or acquired thousands of multifamily units in the northeastern United States. During that time, BRT diversified by developing other types of real estate and investing in businesses outside of real estate.