In 1955, Dartmouth graduate Bob Sieburg purchased property at 50 Newtown Road, Danbury, Connecticut (presently BRT’s headquarters) and founded Sieburg Industries, an industrial metal testing company. Bob’s industrial business thrived and he soon began to invest in real estate.

In the early 1960s, Bob created Sieburg Custom Homes Corporation to construct single family homes, and started to build a team to manage real estate development projects. In 1968, he hired Bert Bertram, an engineer and former Marine Corps fighter pilot, to help manage the growing business. By 1971, Bert was responsible for all real estate operations, and the first BRT companies were officially formed.

Under Bert’s leadership, BRT companies developed or acquired thousands of multifamily units in the northeastern United States. During that time, BRT diversified by developing other types of real estate and investing in businesses outside of real estate.
company overview


In real estate development, projects are typically approached in one of two ways, ‘a site looking for a use’ or ‘a use looking for a site.’ At BRT, we pride ourselves on tailoring solutions for each site we develop. We never try to implement a concept on a project just because it worked somewhere else. The right solution has to fit each project’s unique characteristics.

Our approach requires flexibility, vision and expert knowledge of the communities in which we operate. If a project requires partner participation, then we seek and engage quality business partners to ensure the best outcome.


One of BRT’s core strengths is providing value for our customers. Whether the customer is a student looking for off-campus housing, a young professional looking to buy or lease their first apartment, a senior wanting a community tailored to active adult life, or anyone in between, BRT is dedicated to understanding a wide range of housing needs and providing compelling, well-priced products.


We want you to be our customer. More than that, we want you to be our happy customer. Since you are reading our company overview, chances are you have found a product or service that has piqued your interest, and we appreciate the opportunity that represents to serve you.

If there is something that we can do to win your business, or to make your experience with a BRT company better, please let us know.
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